I've had some trouble logging in. I think it has to do with the SBVPN connection. Like facebook, you cannot access this website being connected through the district's intranet. That would have been nice to know.
So, I'm in and this is the weirdest thing I've ever done!
In the classroom, I would NOT have use for this. I read a lot of bad words, got drunk (well the avatar did) and saw naked avatars. So, what makes this different from porn? I don't think that a 7 / 8 year old needs exposure and would gain anything from this virtual world. In fact, I need to DELETE it off of my teacher computer so that they will not access it by accident! I can only imagine the static I would get from the parents in my community... Also, I felt like I was "cheating" on my husband. Especially when other avatars approached me.
Honestly, how can this be used in education? I think it would seriously have to be on a High School level... being monitored, of course! As far as motivation - I do not see that my students need this type of stimulation to be motivated. They were simply motivated intrinsically.