Monday, July 12, 2010

Thing 7: 11.5 Things

National Geographic site was very cool!

Hurricane IKE
We all know what happened during the hurricane because we lived through it. However, we do not know what it was like to be on Galveston Island when it hit. I have an old VHS of Hurricane Alicia that my father filmed when I was little. I always like to show what the devastation was like. I wish I had it electronically, because then, I would never have to worry about something happening to it.

With our American Heroes that we are expected to teach, I found that PBS had a documentary on Amelia Earhart. What a great way to share with the kids what Amelia went through to achieve her goals in life. Unfortunately, there was not a way to embed this file - but the link was available.


RCELibrarian said...

There's a lot of good stuff on PBS...spend sometime on that site.
We'll have to come up with some ways to extend the biography reports!

Theresa said...

Great idea Karen. Hey - what are your thoughts for thing 10? I did NOT like that one at all!