Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tool # 6: Using Web Tools to Promote Discussion in and out of the Classroom

1.  Choose at least two of the tools from the above list. Create an account for each (if required) .
Twitter: TheresaTrevino
Facebook:  Theresa Schwab Trevino
Skype:  Theresa Schwab Trevino
Today's Meet:  None Needed
Google Docs

2.  Use each of the tools you choose to create a sample of how you would use it in your classroom.
Here is what I did this last year:

Share your thoughts on how you see the tools being integrated into your classroom. How do you see them encouraging participation?

My class LOVED using Skype!  They enjoyed speaking with people who where the experts!  They also enjoyed speaking with kids from another school.  As far as the participation goes - they were 98% engaged.  

Google Docs:  My kids loved this one as well.  However, I learned a few lessons the HARD way!  First, I learned that the kids have access to the things that I share at home.  This may not be a big deal for Secondary kids, but in the Primary sector, all things must be completed at school to assure that the kids did the work without any help!  

Todays Meet was wonderful!  It was a great way to back channel conversations.  We used it to ask questions to Arizona State University.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping yesterday...we're moving forward...the battle for the devices will start in august!
Continue your journey through the 11 tools!

Theresa said...

It was my pleasure. I think we need to have another meeting in the library. What does your schedule look like? I'm teaching a class on Blogs on 6/20... It is full! Also, besides Karen J's directions, do you have something for creating blogs?
My friend from Frostwood said she did one this week on Blogs and Wikis... It was challenging because everyone was at a different "technology" level. Some were at the novice stage while others were more advanced!

Helen Ann said...

WOW! SKYPING sounds like a lot of fun! Looking forward to getting our classes together next year to SKYPE.
Count on me to meet you in the Library.

Theresa said...

OK - HAB! I'm totally counting on it. Let me know when you get SKYPE downloaded on your iMac and we can practice a little this summer. If nothing else - MA could speak to LFT and that would be the "hub hub" of talk! LFT and DWT both get a "kick" out of it. They love to SKPYE with Pop Pop!!! :)

CKohl said...

Ok... how do you set us your comments like this? I LOVE how it will email me follow-up comments. I plan on using skype and todays meet this year and I know you can help me iron out any wrinkles!

Theresa said...

@ CKohl - well, you have an option to moderate comments under your settings tab. I'll have to email you the specific instructions, but it isn't hard to do at all! Get on SKPYE now! Let's play on it with our kids (Lincoln & David) so we can get used to it. Did you get an iPad for the summer? We can use it to play with.

Anonymous said...

Hi Theresa, I will be joining the ranks of second grade this year. I might be getting in touch with you for some ideas.