Sunday, August 8, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Thing 11.5: 11.5 Things
I learned so many neat things this summer. First of all, I also feel like what I was doing, was validated. I really LOVED the Screencast - that was SO cool! I also enjoyed finding videos that could be used and shared with my class and parents.
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?My lifelong learning goals are and will always be growing with technology and keeping up with the latest and greatest ways to incorporate it with our curriculum.
3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
Second Life really took me by surprise. I knew that there were games like that available, but had never dabbled in it to know what it was about. I really couldn't stand it because I'm too wiggly to sit still and "game" on the computer. I didn't see much in it - but that is because I'm in the primary sector of education.
Again, with the Screencasting, I am planning on putting together some staff development trainings where people can go and "rewatch" how to do something!
4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
I'm not sure if you could do anything differently! I really appreciate being able to participate from home at my leisure - and being able to do some when I'm on the road too! This was such a great training - thanks so much!
Thing 11: 11.5 Things
I wanted to first say, that I am very impressed in the way that my school teaches and facilitates the use of the Internet throughout the school / classroom. Secondly, I want to also state that "locking down" the Internet, is not always the best way to teach ethics, reliability, and the "etiquette code" to the world wide web.
Fortunately, because my librarian does such a phenomenal job in guiding students with reliability, I feel certain that most of the "recommended" sites that we use are accurate. If in doubt, I ask! That is what I encourage my kids do too. If you guide them as they are learning, and give them pointers to teach to that moment, then the process of validity becomes seamless in their search for knowledge. Keeping that in mind, I always tell my kids as they begin to do a google search, if you happen to come across an inappropriate site, close it immediately and do not make a big deal out of it.
One issue that I think needs to be visited more, is that of a cyber-bully. When Gmail became open for social networking (Google Buzz), we had some issues where students were bullying others - and, unlike Facebook, conversations were open for all to see... And, the user cannot have "selected friends" like that on Facebook. Although this specific issue was conducted off of school premises, it was a springboard for future expectations in acceptable use policies and as a means of communication that we were going to have zero tolerance for bullying! Again, our librarian conducted some trainings with the 3rd, 4th & 5th graders and revisited our community agreements.
Fortunately, I teach 2nd grade and have been doing so long enough to know if the sites we are using, (with many of million of thanks to our librarian and the library resources page) are appropirate for 7 and 8 year olds!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thing 10:11.5 Things
I've had some trouble logging in. I think it has to do with the SBVPN connection. Like facebook, you cannot access this website being connected through the district's intranet. That would have been nice to know.
So, I'm in and this is the weirdest thing I've ever done!
In the classroom, I would NOT have use for this. I read a lot of bad words, got drunk (well the avatar did) and saw naked avatars. So, what makes this different from porn? I don't think that a 7 / 8 year old needs exposure and would gain anything from this virtual world. In fact, I need to DELETE it off of my teacher computer so that they will not access it by accident! I can only imagine the static I would get from the parents in my community... Also, I felt like I was "cheating" on my husband. Especially when other avatars approached me.
Honestly, how can this be used in education? I think it would seriously have to be on a High School level... being monitored, of course! As far as motivation - I do not see that my students need this type of stimulation to be motivated. They were simply motivated intrinsically.

Thing 9:11.5 Things
I think that Slideshare would have been a wonderful website for me to use before having an ActivBoard. Using the promethian website to download an interactive presentation seems more beneficial to second graders than that of the slideshare website.
If I was a high school student / teacher, this website would be beneficial because it would allow an easy way for one to upload and share powerpoints with anyone! If I was to be a part of "Corporate America", I would find this to be a wonderful website as many of the topics are "business" related.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Thing 8:11.5 Things
Monday, July 12, 2010
Thing 7: 11.5 Things
Hurricane IKE
We all know what happened during the hurricane because we lived through it. However, we do not know what it was like to be on Galveston Island when it hit. I have an old VHS of Hurricane Alicia that my father filmed when I was little. I always like to show what the devastation was like. I wish I had it electronically, because then, I would never have to worry about something happening to it.
With our American Heroes that we are expected to teach, I found that PBS had a documentary on Amelia Earhart. What a great way to share with the kids what Amelia went through to achieve her goals in life. Unfortunately, there was not a way to embed this file - but the link was available.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Thing 6: 11.5 Things
I have downloaded some neat apps to my personal iTouch. I am unable to do it for the ones that I have in my classroom - our librarian usually does that for us. Some of the ones that I personally have are more for younger children.
Hangman (Helps not only develop strategy skills, but also spelling and word patterns.)
Houston Zoo (Helps navigate when you are at the zoo, but also gives animal specifications. It also helps with the Map skills and reading a map with cardinal directions.)
Funny Flash (This one is neat because it morphs animals and then spells them out verbally and in print.)
Distant Suns (This app is very cool - you can use it to help identify the constellations.)
Math Drill (Addition & Subtraction - primary grades.)
Learn Chess (I haven't really figured this out but I want to learn.)
Poker Delux (Fun!)
Louvre (I had some of my GT students look at the art. Then, we also discussed the artist.)
NASA (I had some of my GT students look for intersting facts / details.)
SAT Words 5000 (I was in hopes my teenager would use this but I don't think she has even looked at it. Never the less, my GT students can learn new words.)
Science (This has a list of all the elements off the periodic table. I think it is cool to sometimes talk about them with my small research groups.)
Sight Words (My daughter enjoys reading and being quizzed on these.)
Tic Tac Toe (Just for fun! My kids especially LOVE playing this.)
The Weather Channel (Keep current with weather conditions anywhere. Goes well with our Air & Weather Unit.)
Words w/ Friends (More for me - I love playing my friends in a game of scrabble.)
UNO (Fun! Fun! Fun! Love playing UNO!)
Create a list of ways to use the iTouch in the Library by multiple students (that is different than an iTouch being assigned to students).
With the rockstar, sharing the iTouch is SO easy! I personally downloaded audiobooks and the kids listened to them. Also, the kids participate in a play and to have them be able to listen to the music, is wonderful. Especially since I do not have to hear it being played.
We have also used the iTouches in the library to research birds, & habitats. They are a hot commodity that usually is never idle!
Thing 5: 11.5 Things
Facebook has been a new way for me to reconnect with old friends. I started an account during the onset of the social networking and have watched it just about explode! I belong to many groups that help me keep up with the ongoing calendars of important things. I do have "friends" that are my students, so I am very careful what I post - keeping it clean for all ages! Some of the best features of FB, is when a student moves, you can still keep in touch! I have kids that are all over the world!
Twitter and myself are just becomming acquainted. I've dabbled with it in the Library 2 Play 23, but really didn't have much use for it. Maybe if I had more time on my hands, aside from being a single mom (M-F), it would be more for me. My problem is that I'm exhausted by 4 and what little energy I have left, I use cleaning or getting dinner on the table.
I just recently visited the SBISD twitter and it had some of the neatest information on it. I even found an article where I was mentioned! Very exciting!
Spring Branch Independent School District Teachers get active with Playnormous' iMacs
June 16 at 8:52am ·
Then, I found where my daughter's winning was announced:
HideSpring Branch Independent School District PTA Council Environmental Awards issued
June 3 at 1:51pm
So, I guess it is a cool place - just had not had the time to figure it out! I like that you can subscribe to different "tweets".
This is just a great way to let people know quickly (an overview) of what is going on... Great for PTA's & clubs!
Thing 4: 11.5 Things
I use YouTube quite a bit to add that extra bit of information and to add a "hook" into the lesson so that it gains the interest of all! For instance, as I began to teach a lesson on counterweights with our Balance and Motion FOSS kit,I had the students watch the following clip:
We then discussed special words such as the point of balance, counterweights, etc.
On another occasion, my principal was very surprised to see clips from Tony Hawk as I introduced the Force of Motion systems (Wheel & Axel) for another lesson in our Balance and Motion FOSS kit. By already having it uploaded to my blog, it was easy for me to obtain and I could easily start and stop it without any other advertisements on the page.
What about student created work -- would there be advantages to having it uploaded?
There is definitely a benefit to uploading to YouTube. I used this primarily as a way to communicate with my parents this past year. I would record something with my FLIP camera and then export it out using the embedded files to showcase on my classroom blog. While some might worry about it being published to the web, I did not tag it and / or rename the movies in hopes to help keep the identity private.
Here is a clip that I made - my class was helping our "learning buddies" with food and nutrition and creating more of an awareness to eating healthy! I had used a camera with MP4 feature. By uploading it to YouTube, instead of uploading it directly from the digital camera, I saved lots of time!
Thing 3: 11.5 Things
Skype is a new concept that could open up many new doors for all learners. I'm thinking in particular, those students who come with a limited amount of background experiences. Or, those kids who thrive to know more about a topic such as NASA. This would allow for several learners to either grasp basic knowledge on a specific topic, or to persue subjects that are of particular interest. When looking through the links, I found where I could have my second grade class hook up with a zoologist at the San Diego Zoo to learn more about birds. This would be such a fascinating video conference!

My goal is to find a camera and hook it up and give it a try. I really want to use this with my class this next year!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Thing 2: 11.5 Things

Get to know one another at the beginning of school.
To show different things about the 10 states that our students learn.
To reflect on the American Heroes unit.
To help depict a character from a story and the traits that he / she had.
Specific bird & their characteristics / habitat.
Glogster was pretty neat except it took a lot of time for me to do anything with pictures. I'm not sure if it is a server issue or weather related issue, etc... Then, I got stuck using a frame for the pictures I had uploaded. Well, I learned to fix it, just re-insert the photo without clicking on the "frame" tab above. This website is like "high - tech" scrapbooking! I probably missed the point of this activity!
Animoto is an awesome sight too! My kids absolutely LOVE making movies. This past year I used it to help win an iMac computer through The kids researched healthy foods and then uploaded the pictures and made a movie... They even went into Powerpoint and saved the pictures as a .jpg rather than a .gif.
Thing 1: 11.5 More Things
This video was so cool! I loved the way that our school incorporated the librarian as the "hub" of learning. This last year, my class was used as the teaching class (as far as using garage band and iMovie, etc.) and then we paired up with different learning buddies (kindergarten, 1st, 2nd & then some 5th graders) to help expand on what we had learned and assist others using the same technology. My role in all this was a facilitator - warm body in the room! The students helped each other and guided their lessons. Furthermore, by May, kids were actually deciding what ways they would produce and with which web sites they would use. Basically, the sky was the limit and if you can get connected, the wealth of the world is amongst us!
Can a Librarian play the role depicted in the video?My librarian is the hub of my school! She not only teaches the kids, but guides teachers in the learning of technology and incorporating different strategies that aid in the delivery of instruction and the output of the learners knowledge.