WIKIs are great! I have used them successfully for book studies and somewhat successful for the classroom use. In regards to the classroom, I found that my higher-level learners responded more often than those who were on grade level. It was more for a challenge and another way to do something, rather than an assignment.

Wetpaint is an awesome WIKI generator because it lets you create levels of security. Therefore, if you have not been invited in by the facilitator or a member, you cannot view the WIKI. This helps with the child feeling secure about posting his / her writing within their community. And, they can even share their writing with extended family that may live miles away! The only thing I would strongly recommend is that you cover the technology guidelines and remind students of acceptable use policies.

I have also used WIKIs for book studies. I had 25 teachers, administrator & coaches involved in a campus books study of
Teaching With Love and Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom by Jim Fay and David Funk. We loved it! It was another opportunity for people to be able to gain their professional development hours and not have to “meet” in person to discuss topics. This too was an invitation only and only those members that participated could see each other’s responses.
This summer, I will also be moderating another online book study for our campus:
What if your ABC were 123? By Lisley Minton. I’m excited about it because it will truly be online!
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