Friday, June 19, 2009

Thing 20

I found a video clip on You Tube: Cool Tools Library 2.0: Picasa. It seemed to be something I was unfamiliar with – and has offers useful editing and photo management with the capacity of acquiring pictures from other websites. This might be something I should look more in debt in if I win my minigrant. I then found this video clip from Alan November.I really enjoy learning from him. (In fact, I actually had the opportunity to have a conference call with him during my Master’s Online class.) Anyway, he had 3 important things for us to teach children so that they are successful in life: Information Processing, Global Communication & Being Self Directed. He then goes into the fact that children today need to be able to work with people all over the world! By teaching outsourcing, we can get people to use global communication skills. (I have to throw in my blurb about Tribes TLC approach. It totally allows for communities to exist inside school and masters the global communication skills if used properly.) Lastly, he mentions that we need to teach people to be self-directed. Those are people who do not need a boss to tell them what to do. Highly disciplined for life long learning… Using their imagination and are self directed. That is how totally how I “run” per say. I do so much better when I am self-directed than being told what to do! Then I went to Teacher Tube and found it be more user friendly for the secondary learning. I went ahead and embedded a clip on Roller Coasters.
I realize that this video uses vocabulary words that many second graders are not familiar with, but I feel that it is something I can use with my GT kids and having them create a coaster when we study the Balance and Motion FOSS kit! I think that this site is going to help me with challenging students to a "higher learning level."

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