What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
My favorite discoveries / exercises on this learning journey was learning more in dept about blogs and what you can do to add neat tools to it such as RSS feeds, Gadgets, Videos, etc.
How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
I am always up for a technological challenge. I love being able to learn more technology and integrate it into learning because that is where our future is going! I’m am like that little sponge who soaks it all up and then applies what I have learned.
Were there any take a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
Had you mentioned to me as a child that there would be an internet with places like www.bighugelabs.com, www.facebook.com, I would not have believed you. Simple email in the 90’s was something that was astonishing to me! The internet has just opened the gateway to infinity learning!
I cannot believe how many social networking websites there are. Not that I would use them – but holy cow! If I needed to find someone, I have many places I could search for them.
Taking things away – I love using the photostory and many image generators. I will continue to use them in the classroom – just more this next year!
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
I couldn’t watch all the videos. I had to go to my home computer to do it. I think maybe it was with YouTube but I could have sworn we had rights to go there through the district.
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?
I am planning to do the next round next summer. I’ve already browsed some on a few blogs and it seems impressive.
How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Thing 22
Nings are wonderful! I went to one that first popped up under Nings for Teachers and was amazed that she discussed proper etiquette. When I did a search for 2nd grade lesson plans, I found a very cool website for Fair Trade Curriculum. I’ve seen it before – but never really was interested in it. Basically it teaches everything our economics unit does and but with chocolate.
I enjoyed finding some useful lessons that I could incorporate in the classroom. But, it took a lot of searching to get there. Because of time, however, I don't think I would use this unless it was my last opportunity. I find that Kathy Shrocks Website and Ask Jeeves is much quicker to find lessons.
I enjoyed finding some useful lessons that I could incorporate in the classroom. But, it took a lot of searching to get there. Because of time, however, I don't think I would use this unless it was my last opportunity. I find that Kathy Shrocks Website and Ask Jeeves is much quicker to find lessons.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thing 21
I have used Photostory now for two years to produce Mother's Day videos as presents. The parents have thoroughly enjoyed them. Here is how I do it without them knowing. First, around February, I ask for photographs from my students that show them growing up. This usually includes a picture at birth and then one for each year after that. Secondly, before we create our timelines, I have a child scan in the pictures and save it into the child’s folder on our district's server. That way, when the time comes, they have the photos right were then need them. I also take a lot of school pictures which helps them with choice. Lastly, I sign up in the computer lab for a demonstration and we go to town. I have one to share, with permission from my student. I’m thinking of doing one for father’s day – but we will see if I get it done!
Thing 20
I found a video clip on You Tube: Cool Tools Library 2.0: Picasa. It seemed to be something I was unfamiliar with – and has offers useful editing and photo management with the capacity of acquiring pictures from other websites. This might be something I should look more in debt in if I win my minigrant. I then found this video clip from Alan November.I really enjoy learning from him. (In fact, I actually had the opportunity to have a conference call with him during my Master’s Online class.) Anyway, he had 3 important things for us to teach children so that they are successful in life: Information Processing, Global Communication & Being Self Directed. He then goes into the fact that children today need to be able to work with people all over the world! By teaching outsourcing, we can get people to use global communication skills. (I have to throw in my blurb about Tribes TLC approach. It totally allows for communities to exist inside school and masters the global communication skills if used properly.) Lastly, he mentions that we need to teach people to be self-directed. Those are people who do not need a boss to tell them what to do. Highly disciplined for life long learning… Using their imagination and are self directed. That is how totally how I “run” per say. I do so much better when I am self-directed than being told what to do! Then I went to Teacher Tube and found it be more user friendly for the secondary learning. I went ahead and embedded a clip on Roller Coasters.
I realize that this video uses vocabulary words that many second graders are not familiar with, but I feel that it is something I can use with my GT kids and having them create a coaster when we study the Balance and Motion FOSS kit! I think that this site is going to help me with challenging students to a "higher learning level."
I realize that this video uses vocabulary words that many second graders are not familiar with, but I feel that it is something I can use with my GT kids and having them create a coaster when we study the Balance and Motion FOSS kit! I think that this site is going to help me with challenging students to a "higher learning level."
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thing 19
Facebook has been so much fun to use! I have found long lost friends, and been able to keep up with the ones I have now. The most fun I have, however, is keeping in contact with some of my parents and seeing their fun family photographs from vacations. I have a student who now lives in another country – and have been able to keep in contact by FB. It does require time and it is so easy to get “sucked in” to the network!
I tried My Heritage and didn’t go very far. I think they wanted me to pay to get the “fast” pass and I was not willing to do it.
I’ve used Wetpaint successfully and would recommend it to anyone! It just seemed to have complications when inviting members – those that are not tech savvy struggled to register.
Twitter is on my list of things to fully explore this summer – however, in some cases I could care less of what others are doing and what things are good, great, etc.
Pandora music was happened upon when I was trying to look up the bracelet and charms. It is a cool website and plays all types of music.
You Tube is cool as well! I have an account that I use to download my Animoto videos from.
I tried My Heritage and didn’t go very far. I think they wanted me to pay to get the “fast” pass and I was not willing to do it.
I’ve used Wetpaint successfully and would recommend it to anyone! It just seemed to have complications when inviting members – those that are not tech savvy struggled to register.
Twitter is on my list of things to fully explore this summer – however, in some cases I could care less of what others are doing and what things are good, great, etc.
Pandora music was happened upon when I was trying to look up the bracelet and charms. It is a cool website and plays all types of music.
You Tube is cool as well! I have an account that I use to download my Animoto videos from.
Thing 18
GoogleDocs is so COOL! Our pool uses it to keep track of people’s concession accounts, the lifeguard times, and the attendance of members as well as guests. What is cool about this site is that you can start something and then finish it later in the cyber world without having to be at your personal computer. To me, that is priceless! I seldom take my laptop home because I usually don’t have spare time in the day to work on things. As my slogan goes, I go to sleep on Monday and wake up on Friday! I guess that is what happens when you have 3 kids to care for and a husband that travels! So to me, this would work – that is, if I caught a second wind of energy and could produce something of an evening!
Thing 17
TBA – couldn’t view the video!
However, I did fool around with the Rollyo website. I found some cool things but haven’t really found this a site for me to implement just yet.
However, I did fool around with the Rollyo website. I found some cool things but haven’t really found this a site for me to implement just yet.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thing 16
WIKIs are great! I have used them successfully for book studies and somewhat successful for the classroom use. In regards to the classroom, I found that my higher-level learners responded more often than those who were on grade level. It was more for a challenge and another way to do something, rather than an assignment.
Wetpaint is an awesome WIKI generator because it lets you create levels of security. Therefore, if you have not been invited in by the facilitator or a member, you cannot view the WIKI. This helps with the child feeling secure about posting his / her writing within their community. And, they can even share their writing with extended family that may live miles away! The only thing I would strongly recommend is that you cover the technology guidelines and remind students of acceptable use policies.
I have also used WIKIs for book studies. I had 25 teachers, administrator & coaches involved in a campus books study of Teaching With Love and Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom by Jim Fay and David Funk. We loved it! It was another opportunity for people to be able to gain their professional development hours and not have to “meet” in person to discuss topics. This too was an invitation only and only those members that participated could see each other’s responses.
This summer, I will also be moderating another online book study for our campus: What if your ABC were 123? By Lisley Minton. I’m excited about it because it will truly be online!


This summer, I will also be moderating another online book study for our campus: What if your ABC were 123? By Lisley Minton. I’m excited about it because it will truly be online!
Thing 15

After reading, Web 2.0: Where will the next generation Web take libraries?, I have concluded that this is the best time for a kid to be a kid!
I remember when cell phones came to be – the old, huge, bulky Motorola. Then there was email - which had SO many steps to logon, create & send. Now everything is done with a click of a button! Computers have changed dramatically too! My father purchased a mainframe computer ($40,000.00) which used a 14” (I think) floppy disk. The only game I could play on it was Othello.

The next computer was a Franklin ACE which was compatible with Apple. Then, finally, a portable computer evolved. It was as big as a suitcase, had a mono-color screen, and was the coolest thing ever. Now, we have access to iPhones, iPods, Notebooks, digital cameras, digital phones & cableT.V.

Web 2.0 has just blown away the capabilities and amount of technological programs kids can use to enhance their learning.
Here is a quote from Dr. Wendy Schultz’s To a temporary place in time...
What are libraries? Libraries are not just collections of documents and books, they are conversations, they are convocations of people, ideas, and artifacts in dynamic exchange. Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities: they preserve and promote community memories; they provide mentors not only for the exploration of stored memory, but also for the creation of new artifacts of memory.
I totally agree! Libraries today are not card-cataloged based but rather a “hub” for learning. Our school librarian has unturned multiple opportunities for every learner. She encourages teachers to pursue new techniques and will guide them through technology to create a seamless transition from books to computers. The sky is the limit and with the Web growing like a weed, we only have ourselves to blame for not using the latest and greatest resources which are free for the most part! I need an RSS feed for this upcoming, renovating technology!
I must admit that going from pen and paper activities with books, to a more advanced, copy and paste from the web can be scary. However, if taught properly, students will use it like we used to use the card catalog for research.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thing 14
Technorati is NOT for the person who has ADD! I found it hard to navigate through using the School Library Learning 2.0. When I searched, the only thing I really saw of value was an article on Podcasts. But, when I tried to find it on the blog page, I couldn’t. So, I took a break from the page and when I came back, I saw things differently.
Create Web 2.0 Flashcards in a Flash! This caught my eye because we always have kids who come without school supplies… So, this might help them with fact families. I created an account at StudyStack.Com and when I typed in the grade level, more appropriate things came up. It is so cool – it generates crossword puzzles, word searches, flash cards and a lot more.
I did find a really cool website that has neat ideas. I’ve decided to add Techlearning as an RSS feed.
All in all, Technorati does have great things – but it sometimes requires a lot of patience to find that needle in the haystack!
Create Web 2.0 Flashcards in a Flash! This caught my eye because we always have kids who come without school supplies… So, this might help them with fact families. I created an account at StudyStack.Com and when I typed in the grade level, more appropriate things came up. It is so cool – it generates crossword puzzles, word searches, flash cards and a lot more.
I did find a really cool website that has neat ideas. I’ve decided to add Techlearning as an RSS feed.
All in all, Technorati does have great things – but it sometimes requires a lot of patience to find that needle in the haystack!
Thing 13

I found the coolest website when I typed in “birds” on the delicious website. It directed me to free video streaming from National Geographic and lists an abundance of information. I may have happened on this by mistake – I’m not sure, but I sure like the video and think it will be super cool to use next year as a resource other than united streaming.

The only thing I do not like is the small advertisement that occurs right before the video.
I really think that this is such a cool website! I just now found something on Monarch Butterflies. This is such a time saver!!! I hope I can remember this website – if not, I’ll be going to the Library 2 Play blog! http://delicious.com/
Thing 12
I read 10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog and found most of it to be useful. I do not like controversy over different topics so I’m sure that is not an approach for me to use. I liked how they suggested rules for leaving comments. The most imperative one that I would find beneficial is stating that all SPAM will be deleted! I also like how all irrelevant links will be deleted! I love leaving comments on FB and sometimes even respond to the ones that people have left me. I do think that comments need to be meaningful otherwise, what is the point? By answering a question with a question, it encourages others to think and respond. Although, I must add – I had a professor who did this and it absolutely drove me CRAZY! So, I guess that will be a few and far between response for me. I have left comments - but I am not sure if I did them correctly or not. I guess I'll find out.
Thing 11
Librarything was not hard to figure out all. I added 5 books (some of which I read out loud to my class). I think this is a great website to use when I have to teach summaries. We were using spaghetti (?) book club to do this alongside with amazon.com, but it might be nice to compare some of the summaries here to help create a rubric of what makes summaries great, good and near disaster! I’m just going to have to remember my login name and password – which at this point, is becoming harder for me to do!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Thing 10

Image generators are so much fun! Here is one that I did as a class project where the kids used pictures to help create a memoir of their spring break. I created instructions and made a few of my students the "experts" in creating this from www.bighugelabs.com. Then, I and had them help me with the rest of the class. It was an excellent activity for my students who had behavior issues - keeping them busy like this, help them gain respect from their peers.

Then recently, I made a billboard sign to place into an animoto video. It added some fun to the "title" as the first slide.
Thing 9
OK – I cannot stand the Topix.net! Too much activity – I guess for the hyperactive person! Google Blog Search was much more on topic and easier to use. Google just seems second nature to me since I have been using it for a long time!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thing 8
RSS feeds sure did confuse the heck out of me last year. But, now that I’ve spent some time on it – I can see it at first glance on web pages! I think that I would have LOVED to have a feed to my cell when we were on lockdown this last year. A colleague and I were taking the class out to recess when we were told to get to a secure location immediately. We had ½ of a class missing (probably with the sub) and had to figure out who was not with us, etc… In the midst of this, I had also heard that a gunman was trying to enter Bendwood – where my son goes to school… So, a little info via the Blackberry would have been spectacular! I will be updating this!!!
The feeds that I included on my blog happen to be comics. I know I should use more educational ones – but I think humor is such an important aspect of the well-rounded child. Plus, I just love reading them and can sometimes use them as my “hook” for a lesson! I have to admit, I used to have a weather feed but deleted it b/c it emailed me WAY TOO much!
The feeds that I included on my blog happen to be comics. I know I should use more educational ones – but I think humor is such an important aspect of the well-rounded child. Plus, I just love reading them and can sometimes use them as my “hook” for a lesson! I have to admit, I used to have a weather feed but deleted it b/c it emailed me WAY TOO much!
Thing 7
I am very picky about internet search tools. I use them all for different reasons! Google, seems to be my favorite as it has such a wide variety of advanced search tools. I LOVE the images that I can quickly retrieve when I’m describing something, or using it to help the ESL learner. The book summaries are VERY cool too. I use them when I want to pretend that I’ve read something – kind of like the cliff notes version but for free! I can actually do “book talk” with my 14 year old who reads like there is NO tomorrow! I like Yahoo too – but mostly for driving directions! I like the calendar idea but it isn’t practical for me at this point. If I need something to be reminded to my team, or me I’d rather set that up in Microsoft Outlook! Very easy to do and it rings a bell! I recently discovered a newer search engine – www.swagbucks.com. This site allows you to earn “swagbucks” which you can eventually turn into money – like airline tickets.
Thing 6

What an AWESOME website! I love everything on here!!! I have used the Trading Card application to help children learn about the American Heroes in 2nd Grade; States; and Bird Reports. I also use the trading cards in my scrapbooking – it makes the page so interactive in a library pocket! I have also taught my children how to use the Magazine Cover as their writing collections from Spring Break. As long as I got 4 / 5 to use it successfully, I was able to have them peer teach and it worked wonderfully! Another thing I have used and liked a lot is the Pocket Picture Book. In teaching lifecycles, the children can take digital pictures of the butterfly (in our playground) and then upload it in sequence to show they understand the process. I have written a grant for technology this year. It incorporates the idea of memoirs, flip cameras, digital photography and scrapbooking. I'll be so excited if I get it!
Thing 5
Flickr is great! It reminds me of another website (I cannot remember which one though – maybe Google images?) where there is an abundance of pictures to select from. Tagging is fun – it allows others to see what has been posted about them. I use a different service, however, to share my pictures with friends and family. It allows me to create them in an album (60 photos) and I love it – Facebook! I have used http://www.ofoto.com/ (Kodak) and http://www.walgreens.com/ to share as well! I went ahead and added photos only so I could try this out with my family that is in other states. I like that I can moderate who sees them as well. I guess I am now wondering if you can order prints from this website or if that would be another step… And, yes you can! Not as user friendly as Kodak or Walgreens - seems pricy too. It is under Image Kind and you can even add a neat little frame with it as well. I also saw where you could create your own books (Blurb) and then create the QOOP which seems cool. I do know that on www.bighugelabs.com, they use Flickr to speak with a lot of their applications.
Thing 3
I set up a blog (http://www.theresasnews@blogspot.com/) last year as I was experimenting with the Library 2 Play activities. I didn’t really do it correctly the first time, so I think that is why I never truly finished the 23 things. I have since gone back and realized that there are so many other things than just google’s blogspot, yahoo’s version, etc… I have led a book study (Teaching with Love & Logic) using a WIKI page by www.wetpaint.com, and had my second graders write to one as a homework assignment. I can say that both have worked well – if nothing more, it helped adults and children with their technology skills, as they had to register and navigate throughout the page! I’m planning on going further with this next school year!
Thing 2
Covey – wow! I haven’t really heard his name in a few years. In fact, I remember going through the training in the district – right after IHE. (Increasing Human Effectiveness) The easiest thing for me to do is to keep the end in mind. It not only keeps my sanity when things get tough, but it also helps me remember where I am headed. The hardest thing for me to do is synergize. I have been burned by many people and often have a difficult time in trusting. Sometimes I wonder if people are “setting me up for failure” rather than lending a helping hand. I guess that is where the saying, keep your friends close and your enemy’s closer comes from.
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